Previous and Past Journalism Students

Previous Students (2014-2015 School Year):
Rebekah Fleck:A senior at OHCHS. Loves writing just about anything, whether it be Journalism or poetry or songs. She does not plan on pursuing Journalism after High School, but is grateful for all that being a Journalism student has taught her.

Sara Grenier:

McKayla Ivey:

Shannon Kriger:

Annika Kahkonen

Past Students (2013-2014 School Year):
Chelsea Rugg:  A senior at OHCHS, enjoys hanging out with friends and re-watching her favorite tv shows. Something that would surprise people about Chelsea is that she enjoys writing. She doesn’t think she’s going to pursue it outside of high school. Her plans after high school, however, include getting out of Maine and moving to Athens, Ohio. She’s not sure yet what she wants to do but she knows that she isn’t staying. She’s grown very tired of Oxford Hills and high school in general and can’t wait to move on.

High school senior, Juliane DiFazio, enjoys socializing with friends, watching movies and reading books. For now journalism is just a hobby she will pursue until the end of the school year and then move on to studying English Literature at Elmira College in New York. Her dream job would be teaching English as a second language to students in Italy. While her family lives in Oxford Hills and she enjoys the “homey feel” she doesn’t plan to live in Oxford Hills in the future.

Maria Shively is a Senior at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School. She was born in Tucson, Arizona but moved here from Utah’s Fremont High School. When she moved here, she decided that she enjoyed journalism so much, she wanted to be involved with the Oxford Hills journalism program. Her love for writing didn’t start in high school, she’s always had a major interest in it. She hopes to go to college to major in journalism and business/marketing, though her whereabouts of where she wants to go is still undecided. Shively has always had played a strong part in the community she lives in. She loves to volunteer, and get involved in the ongoing events. She also loves traveling, and being outdoors. Some of her favorite hobbies include hiking, fishing, camping, hunting, and horseback riding.


High school Sophomore, Jasmine Roy, enjoys skiing and playing soccer in her free time. Born in Waterville, Jasmine has taken up journalism to further her knowledge of her favorite subject, English. Something people may not know about Jasmine is that she has swam with sharks. She has no intention to really pursue journalism outside of high school because her ambition is to be an architect. She will be attending college somewhere away from Oxford Hills.

Jordan Schorr, a senior at OHCHS, likes to take pictures, paint and go shopping at Goodwill. When asked how she feels about Oxford Hills, she says “It’s a tight knit community, but it’s hard because everyone knows everyone.” Schorr wants to go into advertising or a major in graphic design. Born at Stephens Memorial, she’s lived in Oxford Hills since she was born. She says she wouldn’t change anything about the community because she doesnt have a problem with it. Her plans after high school are to get out of Maine and go to Johnson and Wales in Providence, Rhode Island. If she could go anywhere, she said she would “probably go to India or someplace in Europe.”

Kelsey Mills, a sophomore at OHCHS, enjoys physical activities, like snowboarding and surfing as well as art. She’s passionate about traveling, especially going on mission trips to different places to help the communities there. One of her favorite classes in school is biology because it comes easy to her, which helps with wanting to be a wildlife biologist, or a photojournalist. Mills also has an interest in journalism outside of high school because she’s really into photojournalism. She intends to go to college but she’s not sure what she wants to do after that. She intends to go to college but she’s not sure what she wants to do after that. Something about Kelsey that would probably surprise people is that she’s dyslexic. While she was originally born in Brunswick, ME, she’s not sure if she’s going to stay in Oxford Hills. She would love to travel to Italy and Greece. The only regret that she has about OHCHS is that there aren’t enough water fountains, and she wishes there were more.


High school senior Riley Chickering is someone who will most likely be back in high school in his life, but not because he didn’t graduate. Chickering is interested in becoming a history teacher and plans to study at University of Maine at Farmington. Chickering is passionate about sports, especially basketball and baseball. He plans to coach both as well as being a teacher. Chickering finds history to be important because he finds it interesting to “learn about the mistakes they [historical figures] made and how it changed them.” He doesn’t plan to follow journalism after this year of high school, but enjoys reading the paper.

Jeremiah Goodwin, a senior at OHCHS, enjoys playing the drums and watching films. He’s passionate about music and something he finds interesting, and one of his favorite classes, is Sociology. He likes it he likes the study of people and learning about why people do the things they do. Jeremiah’s plans after high school are to attend Central Maine Community College and then transfer to a four year college. Jeremiah intends to stay in Oxford Hills because he believes the community has it’s ups and downs but he likes it and plans to stay. He says he would like to work in a children's ward. If Jeremiah could travel anywhere, he would choose Australia. He does not have interest in journalism after high school.

Crystal Lopes, a junior at OHCHS, just moved from Edward Little High School in Auburn. She enjoys cheering and tumbling. She’s only been at the high school for a couple of months but her favorite class so far is psychology because it interests her. Her plans for the future are to go to college for nursing or child development. She might pursue journalism after high school but she’s not sure just yet. She knows that she would like to do something with children. She thinks teachers and students in Oxford Hills are really nice and that the teachers make what you’re leaning in class fun. Something she would change is that she would add a digital photography class.

Shannon Krieger participates in basketball where she plays for the OHCHS Girls Varsity Basketball team. Her hobbies include going shopping and spending her days on the beach. “I want to get as far away from Oxford Hills as possible. It’s a nice town, I just don’t like small communities,” Krieger explained. Shannon is undecided of what she wants to do with her life at the moment. She enjoys English because she likes to write but she is uncertain about going into the Journalism field.


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